This is what I wore today, layers upon layers omg its so cold in Cape Town right now. I layered my faux sheepskin gillet with my new cream faux leather jacket from Edgars and my faux fur coat.
Faux fur coat, faux leather jacket, DIY faux sheepskin gillet, polo neck, skinnies, boots, patchwork bag, sunnies
You look amazing Jasna!! Perfect layering. Love everything you wear. Sorry it’s so cold in Cape Town right now. We are finally having a bit of summer over here. Have a great weekend!
xx Mira
You look absolutely stunning lady!!
You look so warm an fuzzy! So funny that when its finally getting hot here, it gets cold there…ahh being on opposite ends of the earth :p
Looking super stylish Jas! Happy weekend love.
Love this outfit! The leather with the sheepskin looks stunning. I hope it is keeping you warm! 🙂 x
You look soo good!!! Love the coat! By the way, where are you from? Australia, I am guessing (since it must be really cold?) 🙂
I’m sorry it’s cold but I do like the layering. I’ll be in South Africa visiting next month. Hope it warms up a bit.