Hello my lovelies, happy 2024!
I know its been a hot minute since I posted on here, however I know that most of you follow me on my IG and Facebook so you will know that I lost my mom a year and a half ago and to be honest I really struggled with it. It took me years to deal with my dads passing, so losing my mom jus broke me ;(
Anyway-I am not one to make my blog a Debbie downer haha so I will just say that as you can imagine, I needed a break from EVERYTHING and I am very happy I took a year off as I am feeling so much more like myself again 🙂
Hubby and I have also moved into our own place ( we gutted and renovated it from top to bottom which took about 6 months ) and I finally got to design my dream walk in closet, which I will be sharing with you next month 🙂
That also means, I am back to blogging and social media full time, so I look forward to connecting with all of you again and to all my OGS, thank you for sticking with me for the last 15 years I have had my fashionjazz blog , love you long time xxx