For all my Cape Town readers..the stars workshop this Saturday …not to be missed 🙂
Date: Saturday 2nd March, 2013
Time: Registration 8:30AM, workshop 9AM – 1PM
Location/Venue: Wembley Studios, Gardens
*Claudia Brandt – Life Coach
*Anneline Black – Image and Style Consultant
*Lu-Anne – Relationship and Dating Coach
YOU (Claudia Brandt – Life Coach):
UNDERSTAND YOURSELF better – understand your basic personality type, see which celebrities have similar personality type to yours, get the energy of different personality types through listening to music
CELEBRATE YOUR STRENGTHS; embrace your weaknesses as opportunities to grow
Understand what DIFFERENT PERSONALITIES look for in others and in life
Understand HOW different PERSONALITIES “TICK”
Applying this to 1st impressions:
Become aware of your OWN IMPACT on others
Learn to READ OTHERS so you have a better understanding of what to expect
STYLE (Anneline Black – Style Consultant):
BODY LANGUAGE & POSTURE – your first impression is your most powerful message. What message are you sending?
COLOUR – understand the power and psychology of colours, and how to choose the right colours to wear.
BODY SHAPE – learn how to choose the best shape, texture and cut of clothing to flatter and balance your proportions.
MAKE-UP: Tips on “modern polished look”
RELATIONSHIPS (Lu-Anne – Dating Expert):
Be prepared, you never know where you might meet your match
How to pocket the first date
Prepping for a date
What to do and not to do during a date
Your dating and relationship mindset
Rewardrobe is putting up rails filled with clothes from the wardrobes of Cape Towns most stylish! Our speakers will use the items during their presentations and you will even have the option to buy the discounted items if you want!
Cost: R190 (includes goody bag, give aways and snacks)
To reserve space, pay EFT to:
Event Stars
For more information contact Christina Masureik at, 0799072193.
Visit out Facebook Event page for this workshop.
Our Sponsors:
Las Paletas
For all my fashionistas click on my BLOG if you want see what I am wearing today and what I am up to