Recently I discovered the Power bank charger from a fabulous online store called Easionline. I am on my phone constantly due to my work and the fact that I am a very sociable person which means  my battery does not last long, so the power bank charger has been one of the best devices I own.


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It comes in pink and silver and its  a multi-charger system designed to power or recharge various battery types used in most mobile phones including iPhones,game consoles, digital cameras, MP3 & MP4 players, etc.

You plug it into your laptop or even your phone charger depending on what phone you have , it takes 6-8 hours to charge and then you can use it. Its small and portable so I keep it in my clutch when I go to my events and my car so if my battery runs out I can charge my phone while I am driving or I can charge it with the charger in my clutch.

  • USB-DC3.5 input/Output line
  • Mini USB Connector
  • Nokia Connector
  • iPhone Connector
  • Micro USB Connector

I would recommend this charger to anyone and of course you can buy it at the online store Easionline. The store has a range of things you can buy from electronics, health and beauty to audio.

For all my fashionistas  follow me on Instagram @therealfashionjazz and  click on my BLOG  if you want see what I am wearing today and what I am up to :)



1 Comment

  1. January 21, 2013 / 7:31 pm

    That looks super handy 🙂

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