Hello my lovelies I hope you are all well ?
WOW lockdown has definitely been alot harder than I thought and mentally I have struggled a bit to keep up with blogging and content creating at times. We are going on day 84 here in South Africa and have finally reached level 3 advanced which means soon the salons, hair dressers and restaurants will be opening again!
I am so happy, I feel there is finally light at the end of the tunnel now that we have a bit more freedom which in turn inspires me to carry on blogging. So in light of that here are some of my favourite nail styles I have had from the past few years working with Sorbet Cape Gate, who btw have been looking after my nails for 4 years this week so you can imagine how excited I am to see everyone again ! 🙂
Have a awesome Thursday at home my lovelies, see you soon for another post and remember we are all in this together, stay safe and faith over fear always xoxo