Aside from having a passion for fashion and beauty I really have a passion for decor and discovering new brands and design houses like DetailTwentyfour
Detail 24 is a design house driven by details, courage, innovation and intuition within the design sphere. They believe that every detail in decor should count because that is what makes great design.
I love retro design with a contemporary feel and Detail24 has that and many more items that are unique and make your home vibrant and fun. They sell what they love from quirky brands with a graphical touch to danish brands as well as specialising in dEcor styling and space conceptualisation.
Every item in their online store has been carefully selected with care and love, they focus on textile,kitchen accessories and decorative objects.
I have been looking for the perfect store with accessories that can make my place look unique and add a special touch Detail24 is the perfect store 🙂
To see more of their stunning accessories click on to their FACEBOOK PAGE and WEBSITE
Posted by Jasna of Fashionjazz
For all my fashionistas click on my BLOG if you want see what I am wearing today and what I am up to